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Chrissie Laari

When I was a little girl of 5, I asked Jesus into my heart and all my life have had the blessing of being His child.  I was raised in a Christian home, attended an evangelical church all my life, and even spent a number of decades in pastoral ministry with my husband John.  I have known of God, known Him in relationship through Jesus, read His word, memorized scripture, and grown in my faith through my many years of life.

A number of years ago I attended a weekend Truth Box seminar/workshop that Bill Payne was teaching at our local church.  As Bill shared that weekend, I began a renewed search for truth.  I asked God to reveal truth to me.  And I am in awe at how He has gradually been answering that prayer ever since.  God has used His word, other people, my family, life circumstances, and world events to reveal His truth in ways I never ever would have imagined.   He has used our pastor, as well as the weekly teachings of Bill through Truth Box Thursday’s to open my eyes and mind and spirit to new truths and godly realities.  And the journey to know more truth has been incredible.  Has life always been “easy –peasy” (as our grandchildren say)?  No!!  But through all of life, the wonderful and the challenging, God is God.  He is faithful.  He is dependable. And He can be trusted!  He alone is the ultimate Truth Revealer!! But He does use godly men, like Bill, to be His earthly instrument to speak through.

I am so thankful for the teachings Bill gives.  He is an excellent teacher.  He has a gentle, soft-voiced way of sharing the truth that God has revealed to him through his own personal life journey.  It is an honour to sit under his teaching.  To learn more about our God through his words and scriptural and spiritual revelations.  Bill welcomes dialogue in the weekly Truth Box Thursday’s sessions.   One is free to participate and ask questions, or to simply sit back, listen and take it all in.   Truth Box Thursday’s is a safe place to learn about God, yourself, your world, and life in general.  I have grown in my understanding, and am continually learning more and more truth.  The quest for truth is life-long.  When we see Jesus face to face we will understand and know it all. But until then, I will continue to pray for God to continue to reveal truth to my heart, be open to the ways in which He may unexpectedly so do, and continue to sit under godly teachers, like Bill, as well as those who preach His word and share with us godly truth.

If you are wondering what is truth and are on your own quest for truth, check out Truth Box Thursday’s with Bill Payne.  We will never know all truth this side of heaven, but it is so reassuring to know there is another special place we can go on a regular basis in our search for truth – Bill Payne’s teaching on Truth Box Thursday’s!  You are welcome.  We would love you have you join us.

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